The staff of Goddard Library is excited to announce that we now provide access to Scopus, a premier citation database covering research across disciplines and publishers, which provides insight into the most current research as well as citations dating from 1970 to the present.
This tool contains over 22,000 journals from 5,000 publishers, 150,000 books, 6.4 million conference papers from proceedings and journals, 69 million records with the most thorough coverage from 1996 forward, 1.6 billion cited references dating back to 1970, 70,000 institutional profiles, and 12 million author profiles. Scopus is the place to go for finding not only research, but analytics to better understand where to publish, research topic prominence around the globe, funding sources, faculty and university strengths and opportunities, and more.
Watch for Clark-customized training opportunities in the weeks and months ahead. This is tool for graduate students, undergraduates, faculty, and staff alike. Please dive in and explore!
Questions? Interested in personal training or training for your class or cohort? Email Visit Scopus Tutorials for quick how-to videos.